Photographs - the war and after
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The photos are in JPEG - if you want to save any photos just drag them to
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enlarge or reduce the size by dragging the lower right corner. You can also
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users you can do these things. I don't know about PCs.)
Last worked on July 11, 2006. Captions, final cleanup and replacement of
some of the thumbs yet to be done.
Typical Union Soldier
"The Letter"
Identified (with commentary)
Union officer.
Union Officer in Montana Territory.
Union Soldier
Union Zouave officer
Union Zouave colored
Lady Soldier, but who?
Confederate Officer
Union or Confederate Soldier?
Union Soldiers with Whisky Bottle
"Pain" or "Hospital"
Lame ex-soldier - 1866
One-armed veterans
"The Empty Sleeve"
Early G. A. R. man in full
G. A. R Family Man
Proud G. A. R. man
G. A. R. man with presentation badge.
G. A. R. man with membership
button for ordinary street wear.

Copy of a tintype of Alfred N. Sova (1847-1935), who was a private in Co.
B of the 9th New York Heavy Artillery (6th Corps). He enlisted in December
of 1863 and saw action in the battles of Cold Harbor, Monocacy, Cedar Creek,
Petersburg Breakthrough and Saylor's Creek. A long time member of the G.A.R.,
he was recognized as the last surviving Civil War veteran in his small community
in Michigan by the early 1930's. Incidentally, he is supposed to be depicted
in the soon to be released movie on the battle of Monocacy, "No Retreat
for Destiny", for his role in the burning of the covered bridge over
the river.(They have an actor who resembles the tintype). He was the great-grandfather
of South Bay Civil War Round Table member Fred Rohrer (who we thank for
this fine photograph).