Misc. Photos that some day may have a real home on this site.
Lydia Thompson Troupe Sheet Music
This beautiful sheet music booklet front cover was copyright in 1872 or
I don't yet know the photographic process that was used for these fine pictures
(I suspect Woodburytype) but aim to find out.
As you can see the page didn't quite fit in my scanner.

Sheet music cover at actual size.

Group photo at 200%.
The cheapest photo frame I've ever seen.

Frame at actual size. (Circa 1903.)

George LaShell of Denver and later Long Beach, California. (200%)

Laura (Mrs. George) LaShell at 200%.
A wonderful photo of the LaShells, ca. 1915-20.
Girl and Tricycle, 1880s.

Photo at actual size.

Photo at 250%. A magnificent photo worthy of a place in a high-quality
photo history book. It's a shame the girl is not identified.
A touching memorial card enlarged to 250%.

Patent Medicine Doctor, 1880s.

Cabinet Card at actual size.

Enlarged to 250%. The newspaper on the left is the Union News , Union, N.
Y., which ran from 1851 to 1906. The poster on the right is below.

Enlarged to 600%. More than likely the fellow in the poster is the gentleman
sitting for his likeness.
Girl with Doll Tintype

At actual size it you can tell what it is but it's not really pretty. And
the missing corner is pretty obvious. Suppose, however, we enlarge it and
touch it up on the computer.

There, so much better. The missing corner cost some of the baby buggy, but
it's still a nice photo. If I could clean up the white spots - many of which
are on my scanner or on the photo holder - it's in a polyester envelope
- it would look even better. The major difference came from playing with
the contrast and brightness controls on my antique (15 years, I think) copy
of PhotoDeluxe 1.0 (since replaced with Adobe's Elements). But, heck, the
old PhotoDeluxe works plenty well even today.