How To Detect Reprints,
Copies and Forgeries
by Jim Lyons
The following pages are Chapter Seven of my book, "Collecting American
Newspapers", in its entirety. While written especially for newspaper
collectors and historians, the information applies equally as well to collectors
of most types of ephemera.
For clarity, the illustrations on each page have been enlarged and repeated
below the text. However, because of the need to be as clear as possible,
the download time is pretty long.
Unfortunately my scanner will not reproduce the pages as they look in the
book, which was professionally typed. The lines are scrunched together and
much harder to read here. I regret this very much but don't know what to
do about it. However, the enlarged illustrations should be able to make
the separate points clear.
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Copyright 1989, 1999 by Jimmy C. Lyons
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