(Note: these pages are donated by Jim Lyons,
a Museum volunteer, who alone is responsible for their contents.)
Moffett Field Museum
located in Hangar #1
(originally the dirigible Macon hangar)
Moffett Field, California
April 23, 2005
I am delighted to report that, as of April 13, 2005, the Moffett Field
Museum has reopened in a brand new (to them) building, and has more room
and exhibits than ever.
For hours of operation and directions, go to the official museum web site
The mailing address is:
Moffett Field Museum
P. O. Box 16
Moffett Field, CA 94035
History of Moffett
Field (and press History button) Press Back to return here.
We are a new museum, founded in 1993. As such, we are posting this appeal
for donations of material suitable for our museum. All donors will receive
a tax-deductable receipt.
These are just some of our wants at this time:
Anything on Moffett Field, from 1930 until it closed in 1993.
Anything in any way connected to dirigibles (especially the Macon) and blimps.
Anything on military aviation and airplanes. (Especially wanted is anything
on any airplane stationed at Moffett Field, from the Sparrowhawks carried
by the Macon to the P-3 Orion.)
Anything else on LTA (Lighter Than Air) from 1783.
Anything on any war from World War I to the Gulf War - uniforms, flight
gear, medals and
decorations, military manuals, photographs, souvenirs, etc.
Airplane recognition models of World War II and later (these are usually
black plastic, range from about 4" to a foot or more in size, and are
highly realistic).
Firearms (no ammunition or explosives).
Any paper items - flight manuals, reference books, letters, passes, forms,
documents, v-mail, etc. In short, just about anything at all on paper.
If you have anything to donate of a military or flight nature that was your
own or belonged to a friend or relative, please e-mail Jim Lyons: Jim@jimlyons.com
I will get back to you as soon as I can. If you include your phone number
I very likely will call you (please give a convenient time for me to call).
We will see to it that your items are given a good home.
But, please, don't send anything without our knowledge and approval.
This page updated April 23, 2005.
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