Funny (?) Photo Captions
(More are coming as I run across them. If you have any funny
captions for any of the photos I have online, send them on. If I use them
I'll credit you with your name and state.)
Suddenly, while admiring his wife's new dress, the idea of a
popped into the fertile mind of inventor Thomas Zipper.
(Actually, unknown man & woman, early 1880s.)
Stunned, Roger sat quietly beside Jennifer, pondering what she
had just told him. Jennifer was pregnant. Worse, her father knew that Roger
was responsible.
(Actually, a late 1840s daguerreotype of an unknown
elderly couple who were probably born in the 1770s.)
Even as a boy Casanova had a way with older women.
(Actually, unknown boy & girl ca. 1898.)
Enjoying his first visit to the Fun House, George would soon
realize this was one game of stare-down he couldn't win.
"You're probably wondering why I called this meeting."
- from John Buck, California
(Actually, George LaShell in - what else - a fun house, ca. 1915.)
It was many years before Harry learned why he couldn't get in the Hell's
(Actually, thoroughly disgusted boy in Sunday best, 1880s.
We hope the flower pot is not about to hit him on the noggin.)
Thomas Bradford, braggart (think about it).
(Actually, Thomas Bradford in unfortunate pose.)
"...and for an additional $50 we'll send you this
fine piano without our name on the side."
(Actually, advertising photo for Weber piano, 1870s.)
Some days, no matter how hard you try, it's hard to appear macho.
Actually, unknown boy taken by a Butte, Montana, photographer,
ca. 1890s.)
The town librarians let their hair down at their annual picnic.
(Actually, unknown people reading. Back reads, "Taken July
24, 1898, Prairie City".)
They called it a mixed marriage and I suppose it was,
but why should that matter to a boy and girl in love?
(Modern photo)
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