"Collecting American Newspapers"
pictures over 400 newspapers and
related items. Among them are:

Publick Occurrences - the first American newspaper (1690)

A Stamp Act broadside style newspaper (1765)

Numerous incredible and beautiful mastheads

A beautiful beyond belief McKinley Assassination newspaper (1901)

The legendary Call=Chronicle=Examiner (1906)

The immortal Honolulu Star-Bulletin 1st Extra (1941)

The New York Ledger's totally ridiculous Lincoln Assassination issue

An incredible full-page newspaper political ballot

And numerous strange and wonderful
titles (with pictures) such as:

The Carpet Bag, Trans-Continental, Magnetic Shield, Brother Jonathan, The Daily Tombstone, Ubiquitous, The Idiot, The Tickler, The Devine Wide-Awake, Little Fort Porcupine, The Microscope, The Roseburg Pantagaph, The National Aegis, The Buxton Blade, New-York Caucasian, Line-Of-Battle-Ship, The Pick, Aurora of the Valley, Olive Branch, The Know Nothing, Federal Union, Southern Confederacy, The Daily Boomerang, Territorial Expositor, and The Squawk.
